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Microsoft NET Framework 32bit-64bit Download |
Free. NET Framework from Microsoft the world’s leading developer of software the world Internet users enables desktop and mobile applications designed to create Windows Mobile devices with computers and servers. He is also included in Visual Studio Suite. Applications developed on the basis of this global audience reaches nearly a quarter of a billion customers in a wide range of Windows devices, such as desktop, concentrator mobile, hall lens and desktopXbox.
It describes the structure
This one. .NET Framework is a comprehensive and unified programming software to create Microsoft programs that have secure communication lines and the ability to mimic the abundance of related business processes. This represents a significant improvement in basic necessities, such as the CLR (Common Language Runtime) and BCL (Base Class Library) key, the new display pamyatsi numeric files types, a series of exciting innovationsin the basic and C # programming languages Visual and support for Windows Touch has multi-touch function, tape management, expand the taskbar features distribution and SK interface. WFC Data Services is an essential part of the framework, creating a user services in the field of government transfer (REST) program to facilitate and open communication protocols (O data) on the Internet to consumption data and easy to set.
ramkiinterfeysand convenience
Currently there are a total of five iterations frame spesifiekdie. .NET Framework 4, then. NET Framework with SupportSP1 (Service Pack 1), which is a companion service pack for this iteration. This one. .NET Framework version supports SP2 (Service Pack 2). NET Framework, which in turn supports Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework, which is also supported by SP1. mozhnanekalki versions of .NETinstalled and the existing use the same machine, without loss of functionality.In most cases, you can run the latest iteration of the framing framework programs that run on older versions of .NET. The newest. .NET Framework does not automatically move forward with preset old programs. These programs require specific. NET Framework they want to order a pre vstanovlenybyts if the developer does not give the configuration file to assign the program. .NET Framework Version 4 for the function.
For a large numberby foundations and somgebruik updates programWindows users requires the latest version to install, which makes it imperative for developers and ordinary users. Sometimes users encounter problems installing, upgrading, and reinstalling the program. yakiInstrumenty for repairs, which Microsoft obtains a free download, the .NET Framework can fully comply with the developers and caring and digital online life Windows users are capable ofbe optimized and be.