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OfficeProfessionnelPlus 2013
Pull the rappel, the Pro version, more Office suites, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Lync, OneNote, SkyDrive Pro, InfoPath, Publisher.
New Development program: it is a decision for me to award during the current interface, which is adapted to the new touch-screen smartphone version and version (Notice dans les fonctionnalits d’affichage “Hitzaldia Mode”), but does not belong to the body
Enhancements of functions are launched basedas follows:
– Alignment guides, photos and videos, or Word for PDF,
– Examples of recycling examples, quickly checked or graphically advised in Excel,
– Mixed form form, top of account, alignment guide and PowerPoint mod.
– Reviews, non-profit ergonomics tells you about phonktions (on buses).
VE version changed (Volume License) Ainsi elle KMS is a server activity.
And the general use of 32 bits and 64 bits.
Almost more production and production products offer training and weight training.
News communication options
Participants took part in more time running Runion Skype Enterprise.
Connect to connect your output points
OneNote won a feedback note.
RecordingGores pour in standard format and easily pour les suites.
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